Cuties & The Fake

Sinopsis Indonesia : Keadaan menjadi kacau balau saat Golf tidak sengaja membuat Cathy (Araya A. Hargate) terselip dan jatuh pingsan 1 minggu sebelum syuting iklan. Mereka harus menghadapi denda ganti rugi 50 juta baht jika Cathy tidak muncul. Mereka berencana mencari seseorang yang mirip untuk berpura-pura menjadi Cathy. Rencana mereka menjadi kenyataan saat mereka melacak seorang penjual makanan jalanan bernama Nam (juga dimainkan oleh Araya A. Hargate), yang sudah menjalani operasi plastik sehingga menjadi pilihan yang hampir semopurna. Rencana mereka hancur berkeping-keping saat mereka menyadari bahwa Nam mempunyai kepribadian yang buruk, yang sangat bertolak belakang dengan Cathy yang terkenal karena sopan dan sangat manis. Akankah mereka berhasil mengubah seorang tukang masak jalanan yang bukan siapa-siapa menjadi bintang paling terkenal di dunia hiburan

Sinopsis English : The situation becomes chaotic when the Golf course is not deliberately make Cathy (Araya A. Hargate) tucked away and fainted 1 week before filming the ad. They should face a fine of indemnity of 50 million baht if Cathy does not appear. They plan looking for someone who is similar to pretending to be Cathy. Their plans became a reality when they track down a seller of street food named Nam (also played by Araya A. Hargate), which have already undergone plastic surgery so that it becomes the choice of almost semopurna. Their plan was blown to pieces when they realise that Nam have bad personalities, which is quite the opposite of Cathy’s famous because of the polite and very sweet. Will they manage to change the cook street nobodies into stars most famous in the world of entertainment

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