Toko Barang Mantan

Sinopsis Indonesia : Toko Barang Mantan adalah toko jual-beli barang-barang mantan bagi orang-orang yang ingin move-on dari mantannya. Sebagai pencetus ide, pendiri dan pemiliknya, Tristan rela meninggalkan kuliah hukumnya demi bisa fokus mengembangkan toko ini bersama sahabatnya, Amel dan Rio. Berbagai macam kisah-kisah sedih, lucu dan absurd tentang barang-barang tersebut menjadi makanan mereka sehari-hari. Tristan bangga dengan toko ini meskipun akhir-akhir ini sepi dan mulai bermasalah secara finansial. Tiba-tiba, kehadiran Laras, mantan Tristan saat kuliah dulu, membuat dunianya jungkir balik. Terutama saat Laras mengabarkan ia ingin menjual cincin tunangannya di toko ini. Merasa memiliki kesempatan kedua, Tristan pun bertekad merebut kembali hati Laras dengan bantuan Amel dan Rio, dan salah satu caranya adalah menyukseskan Toko Barang Mantan ini dengan segala cara. Mampukah Tristan meraih cintanya lagi sekaligus mempertahankan toko kebanggaannya ini?

Sinopsis English : Goods store the Former is the shop sell-buy items the former for people who want to move on from her ex. As the originator of the idea, the founder and the owner, Tristan willingly leave college legal in order to focus on developing this store with his best friend, Amel, and Rio. A wide variety of stories sad, funny and absurd about these items into their daily food. Tristan proud of this store though lately deserted and starting to have a problem financially. Suddenly, the presence of the Barrel, the former Tristan in college, making his world turn upside down. Especially when the Barrel of the preaching he wants to sell the engagement ring in this store. Feel to have a second chance, Tristan was determined to reclaim the heart of the Barrel with the help of Amel and Rio, and one way is the success of the Shop the Goods of the Former is by all means. Can Tristan grabbed his love again while keeping the store proud of this?


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